07 November 2009

Ballard Brunch

I went to brunch at the Dish today, just scraping in before the 1:30 closing time. Noisier and more crowded than ever, but just as good. In fact we were having a spectacular brunch/lunch right up till the table across the way started changing their son's diaper at the table. They had seemed like a normal, slightly, but not-quite-hip family with two older girls and a boy under two. Luckily the boy was too big to change on the table and the offending process happened somewhere between the parents laps and a chair. Then the mother waltzed through the crowded restaurant carrying the soiled diaper to the bathrooms in her hand. I really hope she washed her hands, her husband certainly didn't.

Later as they were leaving Mr. Not-quite-hip interrupted our conversation to ask if he could borrow my pen which was sitting on the table. I acquiesced and too late recalled the diaper incident. Instead of returning the pen he walked pass me out the front door. It was really irritating, but I decided not to say anything, I mean, who wants a pen covered in fecal matter anyway?

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